Restrictions on instruction issuance and dual issuance
The process of a superscalar pipeline can be broadly divided into the first half of the process from instruction fetching …
The process of a superscalar pipeline can be broadly divided into the first half of the process from instruction fetching …
Cortex-M7でもCortex-M3/M4と同じように、統合ネスト型ベクタ割り込みコントローラ(NVIC: Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller)を搭載しており、割り込み処理は少ないオーバーヘッドと割り込み性能の最適化が行われています。
The Cortex-M7, like the Cortex-M3/M4, features NVIC: Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller, which is the same as the Cortex-M3/M4.Interrupt handling has …
It's a dual superscara, so there are two ALU.It fetches the code in 64bit, decodes two instructions simultaneously, and issues …
Cortex-M7は性能が極端に向上され、パイプラインが6段になり、さらにデュアルのスーパースカラ構造です。CoreMark/MHz がCortex-M4では3.4だったものがCortex-M7では5.04に向上しています、また、DMIPS/MHzも1.25から2.14に向上しています。
The Cortex-M7 is an extreme improvement in performance, with a six-stage pipeline and even more dual superscalar construction.CoreMark/MHz has improved …